
Google June 2021 Core Update

Google June 2021 Core Update

As you know, the Google June 2021 core algorithm update was rolled out on June 2, 2021. During this time, the chatter in the SEO community was not at the same level, in which some of them felt the changes immediately, while the others did not feel anything.

SEOs still believe that this update is not big compared to the previous one known as September 2019 core algorithm update. Maybe this because Google announced that the June 2021 core algorithm update would be rolled out in two phases; The first update was on June 2, 2021, while the second update will be in July 2021. Moreover, the SEO tools are showing big fluctuations a day after the Google announcement.

Here are some chatter examples:

“Here are some examples of surges I’m seeing. Some of the sites seeing increases have been waiting a long time (and have worked very hard to improve). I hope this sticks for them. Remember, the July update could reverse some this… Time will tell.”

“Starting to see a ~40% increase in organic traffic to a site we’ve been busting our you-know-whats on for 6+ months.

It’s still super early, so hopefully, the trend continues.

The work was NOT easy.”

“Seeing this Google Broad Core Algorithm on June 6 hit this travel site. Interesting to see the new results above don’t match user intent as much as the previous results were. Thinking this will probably be reversed in July.”

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